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Monday, March 28, 2011

E..X..A.M !! HURRR !!!!!!!

 setelah sekian lamer x update , al-maklomlah , asik kene pakse study jerk... HAHA ( guro2 )
capit nk citer cikit ( x tau nk wt aper ),,,pikse bulan 4 dh dkt ( ad0yai )!
capit hrp capit akn wt tol2 .....dan capit x kn hampe kn guru2..ibu bpk capit ...
ta0n nie dh laa...PMR !!..( ~HURRRRR~ )!
capit cume tk0t x dpt sk0r jerp.. ( insyAllah bleh )..
n mintak2 lh ( klu leh terus ) cigu aj0 kn ...subjek yg akn keluar mse pikse nnti...
sng cikit ati...klu nk jwb 2 ader lh ilmu2 yg terlekat kt kepala...!!!
ermmm , pe lg ekk ?? ?? cmpi c2 jer larh , aq x derk idea r ( bLuRR ) ,
 smoGa ! capit dpt sk0r pikse 2 ( AMIN YARABBAL ALAMIN ! ) 
k r nnty aq update agy yerk ! :D

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A.S.A.K .M.I.N.D.A..

Bahan Asak Minda 1 utk PMR 2011

kpd  semua pelajar Tingkatan 3 SMKASM...

aq men0l0ng cigu menyebarkan bahan asak minda geografi...

Harapan k0rang  semua  dapat buat dan lengkapkan sebaik mungkin....SEKIAN !

sila klik link ini utk download dari 4shared...


Saturday, March 12, 2011

mY FutUre hAnset..

PiKse KU...!!

results aq x mmuas kn sngt humm ..
xpe t usha lgi ,
x brmakna ,
gagal slame nye ,
kne usaha klu nk dpt kn result yg baik n cemerlang ,
upp2 nnti aq nk usha bt0l2 ..
aq nk prbaiki subjek yg aq x pass ,
aq nk result aq cemerlang ,
hrap2 result upp2 aq nnti cemerlang dan baik ,
Amin ..
::korang p0n doa2 kn t0k aq skali::

Friday, March 11, 2011

::Luahan Hati Ku::

I dont know why i so badmode this weeks.
i have so many thing rolling in my head..soo tension!!!!!ArrGGhh
i am so lucky that i have a father that make me happy..
Hermm..buts now my life become nothing... Noo!!! i want to find a girl who can make me share anything with her.....
every0ne(accept my father n mother) ask..."why you dont't y0u have any GF ?
u all muz be understand my problems...right..??
..i don't n0 what wrong with me ??i try to be nice to everyone..
::i hope you all understand my FEELING::
Sori with my broken English...

Saturday, March 5, 2011


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Weh .... !
Kalau aku ade buat slh ngan kau .
Aku mintak maaf gilegile kay .. 
Tak pe kalau kau tak nak maafkan aku ..
Aku terima je .. dgn hati yg ikhlas
Tapi , ape kesalahan aku yg kau marah sngt uh ??
HMMMMM ..tpi ape2 p0n aq inign meminte maap pd sesiape 
saje yg penah aq wt slh......!


hi, ari ni aku xde benda nk citer, jd aku pon tulis la ayat2 rekaan aku ni..

dan ia mungkin pernah terjadi kat aku..

friends..they're the ones that loved you for who u r..

judge the wrongs you'v done bu

t still forgives you..

mistakes will cOm back n haunt u..

but time wont c0m even if u beg 4 it..

frens will always c0m eventhough u said sum bad things..


in this world..

pain can never be revised..
in this world..the only thing that stays is the shadows..
light will c0m n go..
so will u and evrything else in tis world..

Friday, March 4, 2011


::yeah ! 2011 is the busiest year for me and ALL PMR candidates !.. especially in cuti time !!!::
~tpi sesetengah say " argh ! bnyknye keje umah ! " ... this makes u get BORINGGGGG ! :D~
klu cam NIE> yeah ! mcm ni la aq nak ! " 2 lh bru ade semangat cikit !:D
....this membuat kn u getting fun to make your work ....! 
~mendengar mus!c makes u lowing your bored to study ~
...tpi jgn asyik nk main2 jee..klu cam 2 bek x yah amik PRIKSE !:D
....walau ape p0n yg terjadi capit akan kEEp m0ving forew0rd t0k mase dpn ....
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